TLD Saint Georges

Tout Terrain


Les clichés sur ce site web montrent des véhicules dans un environnement privé libre de piloter en tout terrain. N'en déplaise à certains cette activité est contrôlée, réglementée. Néanmoins nous ne pourront pas gérer tous les flux médiatiques des divers admirateurs sur les réseaux sociaux et YouTube ou équivalent. 225688 merci le 180120



   visiteur en ligne

DIVERS - English

Tariff and services. 

Alain speaks English to inform users via email

If you want to send an email : clic this link or "Contactez-nous" button just there on the left bar and fill our form with :

  1. Your name

  2. Your email address

  3. Your message and then clic the OK button. This is the recommanded solution.

New our name is changed and now it's Ravin only ; our website name and link is note that old link is fonctionnal too. We advise you to use the new link than the old one. I use this opportunity to send you all my best wishes for this new year and hope you a very good health to be able here with your favorite gear; Alain TRANNIN


The circuit is located in a meadow which is several tens of hectares in size. The layout makes it possible to follow a broad or narrow circuit, which includes a course through a mud pit, wooded holes, spaces and grassy areas. The choice is vast. You can meet other Quads but you seldom encounter motor bikes because this area is reserved for 4 X 4 vehicules only. As regards the quantity of vehicles, there is plenty of space for even one hundred.

When you arrive, if you are a large group, it is best to advise us of your numbers one or two weeks in advance, as occasionally we have meetings or seminars. You pay your fee on arrival at the reception, which is located at the top of the staircase. Then you are free to spend your day as you wish.

A space bivouac is at your disposal. An Auberge can provide you with meals (cost is in the region around 20 euros according to your request and the menu) and drink. Toilet facilities (wash-hand basins, showers, WC) are complimentary. A high pressure washing area is available.  A covered  work area with high pressure compressor is at your disposal by prior arrangement, if you have any problems. 

The nearest town of Hesdin is 10 kms away. We can give you the addresses of bed and breakfast accomodation on request.

The boss is Alain. To contact him, cellphone number is: 00 33 (0) 6 25 04 64 30 only but speak slowly please. In case of busy or uable to receive, let a message in answer machine.



Schedules of opening and access to the circuit: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

For safety reasons, access to the circuit must be done in pairs. Vehicles must have a minimum of emergency equipment depending on the type (spare wheel, jack, wheel removal wrench, chock, plate, pull strap or rope, water).

Wearing a helmet is compulsory for quads, SSVs and motorcycles.

Wearing boots, stone guard, neck brace is more than recommended for your safety.

Alcohol consumption is prohibited during off-road activities.

Your clothes should be well tied.

Observe the direction of traffic and the signage in place. In parking spaces, the speed must be very limited.

Campfires and waste disposal are regulated; the glass is to be stored in the green container, other waste will be placed in the bins near the main entrance.

From 6:00 p.m., ALL TERRAIN vehicles are no longer authorized to circulate on the tracks,  road and parking spaces.

From 10.00 p.m. noise will be limited so as not to harm outsiders. Music and noise from your activities must be controlled.

Each rule not respected will be sanctioned with a fine of € 200 or immediate expulsion even definitive exclusion from our domain.

The fact of registering obliges you to respect these regulations and we ask you to sign the participation form certifying your adherence to our charter.

Thank you for your membership and we wish you all our best.






Next rendez vous

Every year, 1st  week end of September : Special exposure of Circuit. Two convivial days of celebration ; show, barbecue, a lot of field's circuit as paradise week end ! *

 * (provide gasoline, rain gear, warm clothing,  flashlight, rope, camera, cellphone as necessary)

Camping with your car + tent : 8.00 € per night and per personn

camping car, truck and other vehicl 8.00 € per night and per personn + 15 € per vehicl
Access to the ground for motor bike and quadbike : 30.00 €
2020 SSV and 4WD : 60.00 €

hiring of the ground with your vehicle

30 minutes with 4x4 and monitor : 50.00 €

Schedules of opening

10h00 until 18h00 f ; call before please


Date de création : 02/10/2016 : 22:18
Dernière modification : 27/06/2021 : 08:14
Catégorie : DIVERS
Page lue 10797 fois

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